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The Dragon King Profiles

The female character sereanity can be modifed a bit to change her out of the rp to fit various storylines. probably mostly fantasy or midevil. She will still be servant but maybe of a diffent kingdom and a gardener or flower merchant if used in a different rp thanks. The other ones can be modified a bit too thanks.

Prince Hiboltzon -The Dragon King and Prince of the artic elves

Name:Hiboltzon Silverwing

Age: 799

Race: half dragon and quarter human and quarter elf

height: 6'6

hair: white

eyes: whitish-blue


background: He can transform into a lighting dragon. He can generate lighting from his body and his attacks. He also knows how to read elvan and various forms of elvan magic his father has taught him as well as some elvan abillities. He lacks patience and mercy. He often means what he says and carries out his threats. He is only hostile when made to be so. Most of the time he is quiet,calm, and reserved. He is a bit spoiled and selfish but not childish. He is very crafty and sometime he can use munpulation to get what he wants. He got his mother power of lighting from his dragon side and his father's strength and agility. The sword he wills used to belong to his mother the dragon queen zanie. He was exactly like his mother in so many ways but he was much harder than her. He seems emotionless at times and other times very kind when he is in a good mood. His moods are strange and changing. From angry, calm, reserved, and all inbetween. He does no fight unless provoked. When it comes to woman he likes when but he is picky about the kind he will bed. He is cocky and he is often neutral and unpredictable. He is neither good or evil but inbetween. He does most thing according to what's best for him or his people and what will benefit him. Besides himself, his father and sereanity his motives are mostly for himself. He is very arrogant sob like his father too. His 800th birthday is approaching soon and this is when he will inherit all of his dragon powers including all his mothers and he will become more powerful than his father. This maybe a problem.

The is a magical sword that can block attacks and cut through almost anything. He has long nails on his hands that can extend and pop out much like claws and slice though anything. He also can fly and teleport. And change into dragon form or a hybrid form between humoid and dragon whatever form he chooses or his regular form. His also has super-strenght. He is king over the land of dark dragons and he is prince of the artic elves. He is able to withstand extreme cold and also use ice attacks that are very strong. The power to do ice spells from his father. He can withstand heat but he does not often like to get too hot. He annoys him or can leave him vulerable something he also inherited from his father. He has two cocubines and he refuses to marry and commit. He finds it a bore to do so at this time.

Sereanity Meadow- one of the servants to Lord Hiboltzon

Name: Sereanity Meadow

Age: 27

Race: mostly human and a very little fae blood

height: 5'3

hair: purple

eyes: purple

weight: 125

background: Sereanity human family has worked to serve their lord for the time she was a child. She knew him from a child until now. She tends to his clothes and making his bed. She also keeps the gardens and plants around his bedroom growing. She loves flowers. She often brings him his trays of food or certain items he may ask for. Her father use to be his personal attendant until he recently died and the job was given to her. She seems to be the only female his is gentle with besides his two cocubines. It is known and can be seen he has feeling for her and she has some for him. He will often spend time with her talking to her in the gardens or libraries and buying her expensive dresses and gifts. When he questions her about her feeling for him she oftens avoids the topic and tell him his feeling and love are misplaced and he needs to marry a woman worthy of being his queen. She is very modest and sees herself as a servant and nothing more.

She was once engaged but Hiboltzon had become angry and jealous of the relationship the man had with her and would do various things to often try to kill the man or cause him harm. He asked Searnity to talk to him she would try and he would only become even more angry and take his anger out on the man she was engaged to even more. There relationship is very odd kind of like bestfriend/almost lover but not that physical. She decided she would be totally devoted to her lord afterwards. After questioning herself about this odd behavior she realized she was in love with Hiboltzon and just decided to be close as she could to him just being his servant would be good enough. If any other man tries to get close to her and win her affects he will often get jealous or get violent and hostile towards the other male and he is extremely protective of her. She knows most of the personal thing about him. When he is angry she is often the only one who can calm him down. He often takes her where he goes if he is taking a few of his servant if he is going to another kingdom or visiting a place that has invited him by royal invitations or royal parties.

She has spell abilites with plants. She loves being out doors. She can often can help plants grow and control them. This is due to her fae powers. She also loves animals and can talk to them.

High Elvan King-Hibo Silverwing

Name: Hibo Silverwing

Age: 6893

Race: Half elf and half human


hair: blue

weight: 225

eyes: blue

background: Hibo once was married to the queen of the dragons. They were in love for over 4000 years. Elves outlive dragons much longer than most other races. The split and there marriage was disbanded. His son Hiboltzon left with his mother. He was very close to his mother but he would visit inbetween both kingdoms both with his mother and father but stayed mainly with his mother. He taught his son how to fight hand to hand combat and use elvan magic. His father being softer than the dragon queen. The dragon queen was not as soft and caring as he was. He will support his son in most of his encounters at other times both of them disagree. Though he has being ruling for thousands of years he think his son may lack what is needed to become is successor someday. He thinks about passing this privelege to someone else but so far his son is the only heir. His son lacks patience and humality and mercy. He is still trying to teach him many things being that his son is still young to him and has much to learn. His son often goes and comes as he pleasing exploring the world and his father will rule the dragon kingdom for him until he often returns. His father finds the relationship with the human girl his son has needed but odd and often can't really understand it. He also is quite arrogant at times.